Marked Special Syntax

Table of Contents

You can specify where in the document the Table of Contents should appear using <!--TOC-->. If this is set, it overrides the option in Preferences and will always show in the preview window as well as when saving and printing. The Table of Contents will display only once, even if there are multiple <!--TOC--> specifiers in the content.

If you add max# to the above tag (where # is a digit from 1–5) it will control the depth of the displayed Table of Contents. For example <!--TOC max2--> will only display first and second-level headers in the list.

By default, the Table of Contents will print at the top of the document if “Print Table of Contents” is enabled under the Marked 2 Settings, Export pane. If a marker exists in the document it will be placed at that point instead.

You can specify the numbering and/or lettering of each level of a nested Table of Contents heirarchy in the Printing preference pane.

Page breaks

You can force a page break for print/PDF output by using the syntax:


Put the token on a line by itself and it will generate markup that will force a new page at that point. Marked also understands the Leanpub format:

{::pagebreak /}

Autoscroll pauses

Marked can function as a Teleprompter using the Autoscroll feature (you should add the Teleprompter style). When doing so, it may be useful to include pauses in the document. Do this using:


Where X is the number of seconds for which Marked should pause. So inserting <!--PAUSE:15--> would give you a 15-second pause when that point in the document reaches the middle of the screen.

File includes

The contents of additional files can be inserted by using the syntax:


The path to the file can be relative to the index file or absolute. Includes can be nested; you can use this same syntax inside of an included file. If you’re using relative paths, includes in nested files should be relative to that file. However, MultiMarkdown will process everything based on the location of the first file opened, so all image paths or other embeds should be relative to the first parent file, even when they exist in child documents.

MultiMarkdown metadata and YAML headers are automatically stripped from included files before rendering. This will prevent the headers from showing up in the document, but be aware that metadata such as “base header level” will be ignored in included documents.

Note that when viewing documents with included files, you can type “I” (shift-i) to see which included file is in the visible area.

See “Multi-File Documents” for more information.

Including code

Marked can include external files as code using a syntax similar to file includes above:


Note the parenthesis instead of square brackets. For compatibility with Leanpub syntax, Marked will also recognize a preceding set of square brackets containing a title, but right now nothing is done with it in Marked:

<<[Code title](folder/filename)

The contents of the specified file will be inserted within a pre>code block in your document and will be available for automatic syntax highlighting if it’s enabled. Code blocks can not be nested and will not be processed with MultiMarkdown. Custom processors will still be run over the pre>code block created.

Including unprocessed text or html

Note: This feature is for advanced users.

If you want to include raw HTML or other text that should not be processed by MultiMarkdown (or your custom processor), you can use curly brackets ({}) to include a file after processing the rest of the document:


No include syntax will be recognized within these files (no nesting) and the raw contents of the file will be inserted in the final HTML output. This is great for inserting HTML without bogging down the text processor or having things converted/escaped when you don’t want them to be, but be careful as there are few safeguards to ensure formatting of the document is preserved around what you insert.

Next up: Creating Tables Using CSV Files

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