Settings: Proofing

Options in the Marked 2 Settings, Proofing pane:

Settings: Proofing
Settings: Proofing
Always open new documents in proofing mode
New documents will default to showing keyword highlights
Enable CriticMarkup automatically when syntax is detected
Enable CriticMarkup processing automatically when appropriate syntax is detected
Highlight Markdown syntax errors
Highlight broken Markdown links and other markup that may have converted improperly
Reading Speed
This number (words per minute) is used to calculate the reading time in text statistics displays. The average reading speed for adults is 200–300 words per minute.


Define lists of keywords to be highlighted

Ignore Repeats
Use the field below to create a list of words—one per line—that you’d like universally ignore when using “Visualize Word Repetition”

Next up: Settings: Export

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