Settings: Apps

Options in the Marked 2 Settings, Apps pane:

(See Additional App Support)

Settings: Apps
Settings: Apps

General settings

Text Editor
Select a text editor to receive the current document when you type E.
Edit new files automatically
When using the “New File” command, this option will automatically open the created file in your chosen external editor.
Links to text files should open in:
Determine Marked’s behavior when a link clicked in a preview window leads to a local text file.
Image Editor
Select an application to open when a local image is right clicked and “Edit image” is selected.

Application-specific settings

Show comments and annotations by default
If checked, annotations made in Scrivener, Fountain, and CriticMarkup documents will show up highlighted in the preview. Uncheck to hide completely. These can also be toggled while reading a document from the Gear->Proofing menu.


(Info on Scrivener Support)

Include document titles as Markdown headers
Parse the title of pages and nested pages to create hierarchical Markdown headers.
Open .scriv files in Scivener when opened in Marked
When a Scrivener document is opened in Marked, automatically open it in Scrivener as well.


Include current page title as Markdown header (h1)
Use the title of the selected page as a Markdown header.


Include post title as Markdown header (h1)
Use the title of the selected post as a Markdown header.


Enable Leanpub support
Interpret files named Book.txt as index files and handle special Leanpub syntax.
Enable GitBook support
Interpret files named as index files for GitBook documentation.


Only preview files with these extensions
When opening a folder, Marked will look for the most recently changed document, defaulting to the extensions md, mmd, and html. Settings here override the default.

Next up: Settings: Proofing

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