Scrivener 3 Support
Use your two favorite writing tools together.
Marked can still read Scrivener 2.0 files, but development will be focused on version 3 after Marked 2.5.11.
Scrivener 3.0 Basics
Drag a Scrivener project (.scriv) to Marked and it will be compiled and previewed. If you choose the option to open .scriv files in Scrivener (above), Marked will also launch Scrivener when you drag the file to Marked.
As with other documents, changes to Scrivener files are updated live on save. Also, when a Scrivener document is in the foreground in Marked, ⌘E will open it in Scrivener for you.
Markdown Headers From Scrivener Titles
Marked can also create hierarchical Markdown headers for you based on your Scrivener file’s pages. To enable this, just check the option shown above.
MultiMarkdown metadata
If the first document in your Draft folder is named “metadata,” it will be treated as MultiMarkdown metadata at the beginning of the preview document. No header will be inserted for this section, regardless of the “Markdown Headers from Scrivener Titles” setting (described above), allowing the MultiMarkdown processor to read it as metadata and allow replacements and export options accordingly.
For external (http) links, you can use either Markdown syntax or Scrivener’s link formatting. Marked will convert Scrivener format to Markdown before processing.
Marked can process comments and footnotes created inline within the document.
Marked can not convert Scrivener tables. If you want to include a table in your output, it needs to be in MultiMarkdown table format. (An app called TableFlip can make generating these a simple task.)
Additional Scrivener Features
In addition to the basic compiling and preview features, Marked also supports some Scrivener-specific conventions. First, in your Scrivener document, you can use “Preserve Formatting” inline or on a block of standalone text and it will be converted to code blocks in the preview.
Marked also reads inline footnotes from Scrivener. If you enter a footnote within or at the end of a paragraph, it will be converted to a MultiMarkdown footnote in the preview.
Using images in your Scrivener document
Images can be embedded in the Scrivener document, or referenced with Markdown image syntax. The Markdown version of an image tag is 
. Reference format may be used as well:
![alt text][img1]
[img1]: /path/to/image.ext "optional description"
The base path for the HTML output in the Preview will be set to the folder containing the Scrivener document. Thus, placing images in the same folder as the working document will allow them to be accessed directly. If your Scrivener document is in ~/Desktop/TestDoc.scriv
, and you have an image called “testimage.png” in ~/Desktop/testimage.png
, you can add the image to your document by using:

Relative paths based on the parent folder of the document will work, and absolute paths will allow access to images anywhere but may not be as portable for HTML output.
Security Note
A cache folder will be created in ~/Library/Application Support/Marked when you open your .scriv file in Marked. This is not a protected folder, so if your original document is on an encrypted disk or otherwise protected, note that its contents will be unencrypted in the cache. For limited protection, you can ensure this cache doesn’t show up in Spotlight by adding ~/Library/Application Support/Marked to your privacy settings in Spotlight.
See the Additional Applications page for more information on apps that Marked can interface with.
Next up: Additional Application Support ▶
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