Settings: General

Options in the Marked 2 Settings, General pane:

Settings: General
Settings: General


Keep new windows on top
Automatically set new windows to “float” above other applications.
Raise window on update
When a change is detected in a watched file, the preview window for that document will rise above other windows on your Desktop without activating Marked
Quit after closing last window
When enabled, If all windows are closed Marked will exit
Translucent in background
Fade the window when it’s not focused. Use the slider to set the opacity.
Disable memory-intensive features on large documents
Disable some processor-intensive features such as collapsible headlines when documents are over 100k

Status bar

Show style picker
Shows the style picker in the bottom bar of the preview window.
Show word count
Show word count (and statistics button) in the bottom bar of the preview window.
Word count excludes
Word count calculations can be set to ignore any combination of footnotes and citations, block quotes, code blocks, and image captions


Click the shortcut field to record a hotkey combination that triggers an event:

Activate Marked
Switch to Marked when this hotkey is pressed in any application
Raise first window
Raise the frontmost (last active) Marked preview window to the foreground without leaving the current application

Next up: Settings: Preview

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