Marked 2 Changelog
Version 2.6.46 (1071)
- You can now define a reading speed (words per minute) in preferences which will be used to calculate reading time
- Better multi-line highlight and deletion handling
- Ignore indented code blocks when highlighting
- Added return key for autoscroll to help HUD
- Handle multi-line deletions
- Remove blank HTML entities from output (used to ensure proper handling of mark, del, and u tags)
- Top level of injected TOC missing marker
Version 2.6.45 (1068)
- Custom Javascript embeds using CDN urls
- Embed custom Javascript in every Preview
- Add option to force code wrapping regardless of theme settings
- Recognize
syntax - Recognize
syntax - Recognize
syntax - All new syntaxes can be disabled in preferences
- Option to render
as CriticMarkup
- Convert CriticMarkup handling from Python to Ruby
- Better status bar updating
- Scrivener rendering speed
- Help updates
- Add local JS picker to Additional Scripts options
- Sidebar and Table Of Contents scrolling in internal help system
- Amblin fonts
- Scrivener compiler Python testing
- Help updates
- Rename Preferences to Settings in Help documentation
- Marked.message.clearTip() removes all tips, even timeout=0
- Last edit marker being inserted inside pre tags, breaking mermaid and other processors
- Separate option for underscore syntax as it potentially conflicts with MultiMarkdown subscript syntax
Version 2.6.44 (1067)
- Dark Mode setting with option to follow system setting
- Allow custom style meta to be quoted
Version 2.6.43 (1066)
- Better fix for Fountain export font sizes
- Font fix for Upstanding Citizen style
- Misplaced help button in prefs
Version 2.6.42 (1065)
- Force font size with Fountain to correct pagination when non-default print sizes are selected
Version 2.6.41 (1064)
- Preference window styling, always show all pane icons
- Notification of requirements on Custom Processor setup
- Fix for emphasis rendering in Fountain documents
- Exporting HTML for Fountain documents maintains formatting
- Process emphasis formatting in Fountain title meta
- Force text zoom to 1.0 when printing Fountain documents
- Export palette requiring two key/button presses to re-appear after an export
Version 2.6.40 (1063)
- Restore macOS 10.13 compatibility
Version 2.6.39 (1061)
- Preference panel styling and layout
- Streaming preview crash for Drafts
Version 2.6.38 (1059)
- In addition to returning NOCUSTOM, a processor can return MULTIMARKDOWN or DISCOUNT to force which internal processor is used
- In metadata, you can use Processor: multimarkdown or Processor: discount to force an internal processor for just that document
- Leanpub callout handling
- Streaming Preview crash
Version 2.6.36 (1058)
- Errors running Scrivener compiler
- Horizontal lines in drawer view
- Statistics not disappearing when closing detailed/readability statistics bar
- Missing images in iThoughts and TextPack documents
Version 2.6.33 (1057)
- Crash during language detection
- Fixed connection to Setapp version of MarsEdit
Version 2.6.31 (1054)
- Blank CriticMarkup preview when python is installed in /opt/homebrew/bin
Version 2.6.29 (1051)
- Missing fonts in Upstanding Citizen style
- Crashing on 10.12
Version 2.6.28 (1050)
- Crash when calling from The Archive
Version 2.6.28 (1050)
- Crash on Sonoma
Version 2.6.25 (1046)
- Help docs updated with more info about per-document headers/footers
- Misaligned help button in Export preferences
- MultiMarkdown metadata indented with tabs or multiple spaces would fail to register
Version 2.6.24 (1044)
- Scrivener rendering with Python 2.7 and UTF-8 strings
Version 2.6.22 (1040)
- Update Python executable location
Version 2.6.21 (1039)
- Revert attempt to port Scrivener compiling to Swift and restore Python requirement
Version 2.6.20 (1038)
- Make backtick create bookmark and update help doc
- Remove “Reload” option from contextual menu (use Refresh instead)
- Fixes CriticMarkup using test string
Version 2.6.18 (1034)
- Allow use of $MARKED_ORIGIN and other environment variables in Custom Pre/processor arguments
- Use Marked.hooks.register(‘update’, function) in embedded scripts to trigger a script every time the preview is updated
- Renamed High Contrast mode to Dark Mode to make it easier to find
- Zoom functionality broken
- Syntax highlighting with mermaid blocks
- Jitter of components like Table of Contents when scrolling
Version 2.6.17 (1033)
- Resolve Hookmark (hook://) links in urls and images (Preferences->Apps)
- Katex rendering in HTML export using MultiMarkdown processor
- Editing inside of a katex equation caused persistent error
- Help icon borders in preferences
- Katex export script
Version 2.6.16 (1031)
issue with Scrivener rendering
Version 2.6.15 (1030)
- Scrivener rendering on Monterey
Version 2.6.14 (1029)
- CriticMarkup on Monterey
Version 2.6.12 (1026)
- Katex rendering when editing inside of equation
- Outlines on help icons in Preferences
Version 2.6.11 (1025)
- MathJax and Katex fixes
Version 2.6.10 (1023)
- Allow use of $MARKED_ORIGIN and other environment variables in Custom Pre/processor arguments
- Zoom functionality broken
- Scrivener comment handling with non-English scripts
- Visual alignment issue in Preferences
- Checkbox alignment in PDF output
Version 2.6.8 (1021)
- “Show Title Bars” option in Preview menu.
- Remote images with query strings failing to display
Version 2.6.7 (1020)
- General Bugfixes
Version 2.6.5 (1016)
- MathJax message in menu bar not going away
Version 2.6.3 (1013)
- Built-in setting for numbering equations using MathJax or KaTeX
- GitHub :emoji: support
- Better YAML-to-MultiMarkdown Metadata conversion
- Brand new icon, thanks to Felippe van Eekhout
- Comma separators on large numbers in document statistics
- Some visual glitches on Big Sur
Version 2.6.2 (1010)
- KaTeX rendering speed on subsequent updates
- MathJax and KaTeX normalization across processors
- Autoscroll not working on Big Sur
- Scrivener documents not previewing
- Preferences toolbar in Big Sur
- Remove cachebuster strings from Markdown export
- Lines beginning with
not processed as paragraphs - Handling of images with a ? in the path or filename
- Spelling/Grammar errors highlighting in output, even when spellcheck is off
- KaTeX rendering with Pandoc when
flag is used - KaTeX stripping out macros
- Missing shortcut for “Show Spelling Errors”
- IA Block not rendering if at end of file
- Force a full refresh on preferences change when appropriate
Version 2.6.1 (1007)
- Allow apps using Streaming Preview to declare a source in metadata/HTML comment
- Crash when requesting sandbox permission (affecting Bear and MarsEdit previews)
Version 2.6.0 (1003)
- Support for Bear’s
syntax when previewing a Bear note - Validating links shows where redirected link resolves to
- Option to dim link highlights for proofreading
- Load preview contents via JavaScript DOM replacement instead of full refresh for smoother updates (vastly improves Streaming Preview)
- Allow notifications to coalesce/stick
- Show indicators with cancel buttons for “links dimmed,” “zoomed out,” and “comments hidden”
- Allow base URL to be sent with streaming preview to enable relative paths
- Cleaned up Syntax Style and MathJax popup menus. Weeded out less common options, removed extensions from the display, and alphabetized
- New layout for Help->Custom Processor Log, shows both preprocessor and processor, with STDIN and STDOUT side by side
- Reduce download size by cleaning out some frameworks and moving help assets to load remotely
- Heavy-duty JavaScript refactoring
- Smooth out section-collapsing animation
- Make “Show Comments” per-document, not a global preference
- Reduce Streaming Preview latency
- Avoid Streaming Preview updates after changes stop
- Replace horizontal rules with page breaks
- Setting a fenced code block’s language to “c++” causes rendering issues
- Setting
preprocessor: false
in metadata doesn’t turn off preprocessor on load - Translucency percentage off by one line
- Issues with Word Repetition check
- Link popover not appearing when link is clicked-and-held
- GitHub checklist item styling across other Styles
- URL Auto-validate not updating on refresh
- Streaming Preview stopping updates
Version 2.5.43 (990)
- Autoscroll stopping part way through a document
Version 2.5.42 (989)
- Visible countdown progress for Autoscroll pauses
- Autoscroll smooth at any speed
Version 2.5.41 (988)
- Add syntax for pausing autoscroll for use as teleprompter
- User notification methods
- Slightly smoother autoscroll at lower speeds
- If hashtag handling is enabled, allow numeric hashtags (e.g. #2020) to be recognized.
Version 2.5.40 (987)
- Control alignments in preferences
- Preference panes referenced in Markdown Guide are linked to open referenced pane
- Autolayout fixes
- Clean up Markdown Guide
- Field alignment in Custom Processor log
- Attempt to fix edge case for Report Issue dialog
- TOC disappearing after using Fast Search
- TOC jumping to first match (^=) for ID instead of full match
- Remove “Quit after last file closed” option
- Cursor in lined text views hidden in dark mode
- References to Behavior preference pane in Markdown Guide (renamed to Processor)
- Don’t parse #tags in indented code blocks
Version 2.5.39 (985)
- Allow drag and drop of Custom (Pre)Processor scripts and executables in Preferences->Advanced fields
- Add “Open” dialog for selecting Custom (Pre)Processor scripts and executables in Preferences->Advanced
- All screenshots and videos in help and “quick start” updated
- Documentation updates
- Page navigation in Help
- Documentation for Marked JS API
- Buttons in Preference pane images in Help are clickable for fast navigation
- Copy HTML/RTF popup borked on retina displays
- Section header/info button alignment in Preferences
Version 2.5.38 (983)
- Option to process “#text” as tags
- Option to style hashtags with capsules and show/hide with “Show Comments”
- Allow smaller increments of speed in autoscroll
- Fenced code inside indented code block rendering last code block in document instead.
Version 2.5.37 (982)
- Link to Custom Style Gallery (Help->Custom Style Gallery)
- Link to Custom Style uploader (Help->Share a Custom Style)
- Autoscroll not working
- Keyboard shortcuts for custom styles > 10
- Changes within Katex block breaking rendering
- Lowercase header ids when using Discount (GFM)
Version 2.5.36 (980)
- Fixes for MathJax/KaTeX equations in Scrivener documents
Version 2.5.35 (978)
- Failure to update when fenced code blocks change
- Grey left padding on first load
- GitHub task lists in ordered lists forced to bullets
- Registration issues on Catalina
Version 2.5.34 (976)
- Title page styling for Fountain documents
- Code blocks missing when using Copy RTF
- Ordered lists cutting off two and three digit numbers when exporting
- Code size in GitHub style
- CriticMarkup/Scrivener comments within a GitHub task list didn’t respond to hover events
Version 2.5.33 (974)
- Handling of Scrivener tables
- Regression, collapsible headers stopped working
- Export… menu item not triggering export panel
- Base tag in header of HTML export breaking links to relative urls
- HTML comments at very beginning of document had their contents revealed in the preview when using MultiMarkdown. This is corrected, but you can still enclose metadata in HTML comments and it will function.
Version 2.5.32 (972)
- Handle tags when previewing a Bear note, adding styling and avoiding turning into an h1
- Bear tags can be hidden by turning off Proofing->Show Comments in the gear menu
- Option to use first H1 as print title
- Set page offset for page numbering when printing/exporting PDF
- Option to use KaTeX instead of MathJax
- Proper support for embedded images in Bear notes
- Use Bear note title as window title, print header %title, and save document title
- New configuration options reported automatically by the issue reporter
- Better license view, now with “Deactivate” button for Paddle customers
- %filename and %basename variables for use in PDF/print headers and footers
- New type scale for Swiss style
- Visually differentiate Scrivener comments and inline annotations
- Due to bugs in the version of Webkit in Marked, fixed elements on the screen are being pared back. The TOC flickers enough on its own right now. So the document progress indicator option has been removed.
- Crash when custom processor returned an error (esp. Pandoc)
- Problem displaying images in a Scrivener document using Markdown syntax and relative path
- Rendering breaking on some Scrivener inline annotations
- MathJax handling when using Discount
- Question marks in folder names cause path truncation
- Disable syntax highlighting when “Poetry mode” is enabled
Version 2.5.31 (971)
- Header text without footer text causes lines to split across pages in paginated pdf export
- Invisibles in Fountain script changing pagination behavior
- More GitHub styling issues
- Dark Mode issues
- Close button on detailed statistics sheet disappears in Dark Mode
- RTL detection JavaScript in HTML export when RTL detection disabled
- FontAwesome included in HTML export when not using Leanpub interpreter
- Syntax Highlighting JavaScript included when highlighting is deselected in export options
Version 2.5.30 (969)
- Feedback reporter always reporting TRUE on boolean values
- When exporting Markdown, HTML entities are decoded
Version 2.5.29 (968)
- GitHub theme losing list item indentation
Version 2.5.28 (966)
- Option to hide status bar (show on hover)
- URL Handler method “defaults” for setting preferences via URL
- Fenced code block handling if custom processor returns NOCUSTOM
- If a CriticMarkup element has a comment following it, show it in the lower banner when hovering the element
- Hardened runtime
- Custom processor log unreadable in Mojave Dark Mode
- IA content blocks rendering inside fenced code blocks.
- CriticMarkup highlights in PDF export/Print
- Visual glitch in Keyword Highlight panel type buttons
- Visual glitch with search bar when using GitHub style
- Custom processor indicator not toggling on first click
- Issues with continuous PDF export having blank space or being cut off
- Automatic TOC in export didn’t respect list marker settings
- Regex search when surrounding query with forward slashes
- Crash on search for “+++”
Version 2.5.27 (964)
- Multi-column theme page numbers
- Multi-column theme document progress indicator
- High Contrast (inverted) mode CriticMarkup and Search toolbars are now dark
- Status bar icons
- Multi-column theme last column cut off
- Issues with exporting decimal outline mode
- Handling of underscores in inline MathJax equations when using Discount processor
- Search for more than one word breaks
- Handling of * in search string
- Marked include syntax (various issues)
- Crash on raw include (<<{})
- Black on black “Report Issue” window in Mojave Dark Mode
- Custom Processor inaccessible warning dialog
- Crash when open file is renamed on disk
Version 2.5.26 (962)
- Further Dark Mode improvements
- Updated Help files
Version 2.5.25 (961)
- Emergency fix for 2.5.24 Dark Mode preferences
Version 2.5.24 (960)
- Option to process any document as Fountain
- Modify page down behavior (space bar) to work better with CriticMarkup and Find overlays
- Visual updates for Dark Mode (Mojave)
- Fenced code blocks missing from Markdown export
- Only offer open dialog automatically when closing the quick overview
- Outline mode not detecting structure properly
- Handling of images linked to images with inline syntax
- Overused word hover spelling correction
- Black on Black MathJax advanced config popup
- Custom.css skeleton link in help
Version 2.5.23 (958)
- Keyboard shortcut x,c will clear the currently-focused bookmark
- Option to syntax highlight only fenced code blocks with a language specified
- URL Handler can add new Custom Styles directly from files
- Provide suggestions for Use Alternate errors when highlighting (with default Plain English Campaign word list items only)
- Overall efficiency
- Updated “Avoid” and “Use Alternate” default word lists (Keyword Highlighting and Proofing)
- Bookmarks and collapsible sections play nice together
- Outline mode styling fixed and max depth increased
- Handle Highland-specific text directives
- Allow Highland files to be Markdown instead of Fountain
- Collapsing sections causes display errors with highlighted code blocks
- Cmd-D and backtick will now both set a new bookmark at the first available position
- MindNode 5 integration handles both single file and package formats
- First H1 cut off when exporting Amblin
- Edit marker moved right when spellcheck displays error for element
- IA Block syntax renders inside fenced code blocks
- Black text on black background in Additional CSS and Advanced Mathjax Config popups
- MindNode not updating with “single file” format
- Fenced code breaking in included files
- Full-screen TOC (sidebar) overlapping in Manuscript style
Version 2.5.22 (957)
Bugfix for JavaScript on macOS < 10.12
Version 2.5.21 (956)
- Option to syntax highlight only fenced code blocks with a language specified
- Outline mode styling fixed and max depth increased
- MindNode 5 integration handles both single file and package formats
- Black text on black background in Additional CSS and Advanced Mathjax Config popups- IA Block syntax renders inside fenced code blocks
- First H1 cut off when exporting Amblin
- Edit marker moved right when spellcheck displays error for element
Version 2.5.20 (954)
- Improved Highland 2 support
- Updated MathJax
- Visual glitch in preferences
- If Leanpub support is enabled, process it in every document, not just Book.txt
Version 2.5.19 (953)
- Support hover preview of pandoc footnotes
- Scroll to edit issues
- Theme switcher issues
- Crash when image path contains % symbol
- Stripping colons from header IDs
- Welcome window too large on 13" displays
Version 2.5.18 (952)
- (One last time) missing code blocks in HTML export when not using custom processor
- Case insensitive recognition of Book.txt (Leanpub) and (GitBook)
Version 2.5.17 (950)
- When a per-document custom processor is specified using the JSON array formatting, determine if the default processor is a shell and include the first argument (usually the script) as first arg in the per-document arguments.
- (Again) missing code blocks in HTML export when not using custom processor
Version 2.5.16 (949)
- URL handler accepts
for all commands affecting preview windows. If set, the window will raise above all other application windows after update. Used mostly when the URL handler is called in the background.
- Curly bracket syntax for custom processors like Kramdown and Pandoc being removed before processing
- Failure to include code blocks in HTML export
- Fix 1px overlap in main window
Version 2.5.15 (948)
- Normalize math syntax between MMD and LaTeX formats
- MathJax recognize $ and $$ by default
- Additional MathJax fonts
- Automatically opening Scrivener causes Markdown version to be inserted into Scrivener research folder repeatedly
- Spelling error styling issues
- JavaScript errors
- PDF Quality settings
- Following a link to a Markdown document breaks “Open in Editor”
- GFM headlines containing markup broke generated IDs
- Discount header ids break word repetition
- HTML comments show in word repetition
- Error when headline is “Exports”
- Select all and copy includes popovers and other screen elements
Version 2.5.14 (947)
- A few MathJax issues
- Preference layout issues
Version 2.5.13 (946)
- CriticMarkup colors for better readability
- Allow preview of MarsEdit pending image uploads
- Handle MarsEdit posts without titles
- Update on save with MarsEdit 4
- Scrivener documents with Markdown-syntax lists losing indentation
Version 2.5.12 (945)
- Code blocks disappearing in MMD
- Fountain documents aligned right
Version 2.5.11 (944)
- Support for Scrivener 3’s new document format
- Command added to url handler: x-marked://addstyle to send CSS text to Marked and add it as a custom style
- Replaced Antique style with Ink (Tufte-inspired) in default preview styles
- Support for IA Writer file include syntax (
) - Convert CSV files into tables
- Full screen mode for table of contents, fixed to left (automatic when switching to full screen, can be manually enabled from button on TOC popup)
- Handle compressed TextBundles (textpack)
- Initial support for new Highland (current beta) format
- Option to disable wrapping inside of code blocks, forcing scroll (Preferences > Style > “Allow themes to wrap text inside code blocks”)
- Spelling Grammar included for all users
- Single “Show/Hide Comments” option for Scrivener, Fountain, and CriticMarkup annotations
- If metadata title is missing, add it based on filename without extension
- Many help updates
- Separate the option to print header and footer on first page allowing either/or
- {icon=[fontawesome name]} before a leanpub aside works now
- Updated Fountain rendering and export
- Updated support for Highland documents (current Highland beta)
- Updated MathJax
- Change deprecated MathJax CDN link in export
- Background color for writing target progress indicator
- Accept a 403 as OK on Amazon links when validating
- MarsEdit 4 comatibility
- Include CSS, Sass, and Haml extensions as code blocks when included by iA content block syntax
- When Marked detects RTL text, it uses a custom class “mk-rtl” instead of “rtl” so as not to override custom styling
- Better processing of code blocks and various language specifiers
- Syntax highlighting breaks rendering of HTML details tag
- Generated TOCs starting at level 2 or higher are properly handled
- Ability to see additional pages in print preview
- Allow commenting all metadata at top of document
- Auto-escape LaTeX when needed
- Crash on documents containing emoji
- CriticMarkup word counts not updating
- Date strings in headers/footers now respect locale/language
- Handle header id generation more like GitHub when using Discount (GFM) processor
- If a language on a code block isn’t specified, Marked inserts “class=(null)”
- LeanPub aside icons missing
- Markdown format links in Scrivener documents that are also hyperlinked no longer break
- Missing Leanpub icons on aside blocks (tips, questions, etc.)
- Relative paths to images in Scrivener documents
- Setting CriticMarkup type (markup, original, edited) in non-PDF export has no effect
- Failure to detect certain app handlers for local links
- Link handling breaking some local links (like Keyboard Maestro url triggers)
- Readability of CriticMarkup highlights in inverted mode
- Readability of inline code in Upstanding Citizen inverted mode
- Broken tabbing in help windows
- Potential security vulnerability in url handler (CVE-2018–6806)
- MMD {{TOC}} syntax broken
- Missing parenthesis in spelling/grammar check
- List bullet position in Swiss
- Include TOC in print when enabled
- Emoji handling in spell check
- Remove double spacing in MultiMarkdown tables in Scrivener documents
- Handle more than two dashes in HTML comment markers
- Don’t convert WP “more” comment to page break syntax when copying/exporting HTML, preserving formatting for pasting to a blog
- Show “page break after TOC” option when not using automatic TOC in export
- Remove extra line breaks in “Metadata” page in Scrivener documents, allowing full processing of metadata
- Update progress bar styling for recent webkit changes
- JavaScript improvements, TOC
Version 2.5.10 (930)
- Track writing progress with target word counts
- Support for GitBook files
- Folder scanning methods updated for efficiency
- Document statistics not updating after changes
- MindNode document format update
- Stop Discount from converting fractions
- Relative path handling issues
- Relative image paths containing multiple
- Spaces in relative paths breaking
- Relative image paths containing multiple
- Tabs in Scrivener documents
- TOC navigator styling issues
Version 2.5.9 (925)
- Crashes on Mavericks (10.9)
- Code blocks losing indentation on PDF export
- Syntax highlighting styles updated
- Syntax highlight added/improved for coffeescript, haxe, nsis, ruby, and swift
- Recognize more file extensions when using code include syntax
- Handle relative paths for images in included files (relative to included file location)
Version 2.5.8 (924)
- Help documentation update
- Update syntax highlighting library
- Autoscroll improvements
- Scroll meter click to play/pause
- Scroll meter drag to change speed
- Slower scroll at lower speeds
- Fix for left padding in Swiss
- Fix double print in Upstanding Citizen export
- Fix preference text views not updating immediately
- Fix TextBundles failing to update
- Double-encoding ampersands in Scrivener documents (
) - Help window blank on first open
- Fix for url handler callback
- Spellcheck fixes
- Fix for reveal error on spelling navigation
- Fix error when hovering elements while spell check enabled
- Update current error index on click for next/prev navigation
- If panel is showing, reveal it for next/prev error
- Fix errors when navigating with grammar hidden
Version 2.5.6 (922)
- Option to enable caching for static hosted images
- Visualize Word Repetition
- Only highlight repeated words in current scope on hover and click
- Allow repetition check on 3-character words
- Include prepositions in repetition check
- Same-stem highlighting in preview
- Properly refresh display when ignoring/unignoring repeated words
- If selected text contains a colon, word count shows zero
- Crash on footnote analysis
- Paragraphs with hard line breaks count each line as a paragraph in text analysis
- CriticMarkup nav unable to hide
- CriticMarkup loses highlights in exports
- Hide CriticMarkup nav in screenshot for Minimap
Version 2.5.5 (921)
- Scrivener preview blank if no Meta-Data defined
Version 2.5.5 (920)
- Recognize Scrivener Meta-Data replacements (e.g. <$projecttitle>)
- Allow a ‘Metadata’ document at beginning of Scrivener projects
- GitHub Tasks completed items not completed in export/print
- Minimap zoom blank when filename contains spaces or parenthesis
- Continuous PDF cut off if export width <= 800
- Hang on Save HTML with custom processor
- en_GB failing based on system settings
- include chart off left side
Version (916)
- Continuous PDF output pushed left
- Bullets before task list items in output
- Crash on “Raise front window” with no window open
- Help styling
Version 2.5.4 (915)
- Update Sparkle Feed to https
- Faster link validation
- Crash on load for some users
- Word count not updating
- Style selector not hiding
- Read non-“md” extensions in TextBundle
- Revise executable detection for custom processors
Version 2.5.3 (910)
- Option to include/exclude image captions from word count
- Error navigation (next/previous) for spelling/grammar addon
- Show zoom level in title bar
- MARKED_CSS_PATH environment variable for custom processors
- Option to detect and style RTL text per-paragraph in document
- Naming scrivener images with UTF characters breaks
- Preprocessor not running on included files
- UK English (en_GB) not being detected by spellcheck
- Inverted state on Header ID Quick Toggle
- Outline styles not included in export
- Open in Finder after save
Version 2.5.2 (909)
- Hang on Save with Syntax Highlighting on Yosemite
- CSS watching and auto-update
- CriticMarkup headers in PDF/Print output
- Bullets appearing on GitHub Task list items in PDF output
Version 2.5.1 (908)
Minor fix for exported syntax highlighting JavaScript
Version 2.5.1 (907)
Bugfix release
- 10.9.5 compatibility
- Highlight JS breaking in exported HTML in Chrome
- Option to include/exclude image captions in word count
- Make orphan prevention optional
- Fix body width on print/pdf after window resize
- Sanitize filenames for extracted scrivener image
- Add OPML to palette, fix accessory alignment
Version 2.5.0 (904)
Bugfix release for 2.5.0
- Welcome window not being suppressed based on preference
- “Error parsing additional MathJax configuration”
- Failure to consistently update when editing with Vim
- In-app Purchase issues
Version 2.5.0 (903)
- Option to visualize manual page breaks
- Revamped welcome screen with quick config
- Added support for MultiMarkdown TOC syntax
- Spelling and Grammar checking
- Highlight all errors
- Click for suggestions
- Learn/Ignore words
- Handle JSON array for pre/processor metadata
- Preprocess text before reading meta
- Report Issue command to gather prefs and create bug report
- Internal Help browser
- Smart search
- API and URL scheme interface for deep linking
- Help hooks into main menu help search with live results
- url command for opening help/page
- url command for opening preferences/pane
- url command for opening quick overview
- Readability stats update for selected text
- Preference to disable readability processing
- Preference to use system find pasteboard
- Preference to break page after TOC
- Preference to use ⌘E to use selection for Find
- Edit File moved to ⌘⌥E
- Preference to swap shortcuts
- MindNode support
- Instant theme and syntax style updates without refresh
- Adjustable export font size
- Xcode Swift Playground support
- JSON validation for MathJax configuration field
- Custom font size/color for print headers and footers
- Prevent orphaned headlines at end of page when printing
- Toggle comment visibility in Fountain documents
- Recognize page breaks and line breaks in Scrivener documents
- Define global shortcuts
- Activate Marked
- Raise first preview without switching applications
- New typography features (orphans/widows)
- Fountain parsing of forced elements
- Memory usage and performance
- Shift-s to reverse autoscroll, smooth scrolling speed
- Status updates via window status bar
- Popover for file warnings with suppression option
- Log levels for debug output
- Folder parsing speed
- Tokenized folder extensions
- When resizing window, update pre block heights and other UI elements
- Improvements to the mini stats panel
- PDF export improvements
- Continuous output trimming
- Compression options for reduced file size
- Define width for continous output
- RTF copy/export improvements (this isn’t the big one, it’s coming soon)
- Progress feedback when syntax highlighting large documents
- Error reporting for Custom Processors
- Better styling and handling for markup error highlighting
- Most preference changes no longer require refreshing open documents
- Better determination of default app for opening link
- Hover tips for keyword highlights
- Handle internal Scrivener links and embedded images
- Better print style for GitHub checkboxes
- Hide scrollbars when hovering mini map
- Network availability check and link validation
- Allow any fence character for regex searches
- Popup editors for advanced configurations (MathJax, additional CSS)
- Smoother, smarter autoscroll
- Outline view improvements for Markdown format documents
- Prevent orphaned headlines in export
- Many preferences now update live when modified, no refresh required
- improved handling of return focus with x-success url handler
- Minimap improvements
- Highlight current location in Minimap
- Crash if a Scrivener file has empty title
- Print header artifacts
- UI elements in continuous PDF output
- JavaScript fixes for visible file inclusion boundary
- {{include}} syntax no longer breaks mustache templates in code blocks
- Code blocks missing if custom processor returned bypass
- Scroll to edit with MathJax, syntax highlight
- CriticMarkup comment and multiline insert handling
- CriticMarkup word counts
- Processor indicator lights not showing up on first load
- Excessive space at bottom of continuous pdf
- Restore ability to save and restore zoom level
- “Last Edit” marker hiding
- Preference to disable link popups
- Export palette can scroll horizontally
- Fix for Quick Overview panel
Version 2.4.11 (893 & 895)
- improper escaping of urls and footnotes when using MultiMarkdown processor
Version 2.4.11 (892)
- Automatically convert spaces in URLs inside of Markdown links when converting with MultiMarkdown
- Print/PDF style improvements
- Relax file deletion checks while file is being rewritten
- MathJax update
- Significant stability improvements
- Text analysis memory/cpu usage
Version 2.4.10 (887)
- Hang when attempting to insert raw includes
- Preference migration issues (hopefully)
- Keyword highlighting
Version 2.4.10 (881)
- MMD Transclude syntax
Transclude Base:
metadata header affects all include methods- Truly contextual contextual menus
- Option to embed images as base 64 data urls when copying HTML source
- Reveal in Finder after save
- Add dropdown for changing text file link behavior preference
- option to open text/Markdown files in default handler
- max-[1–6] works for Table of Contents in HTML export
- When highlighting Markdown syntax errors, don’t highlight inside code tags
- Using Markdown image syntax in Scrivener documents no longer requires “../” in paths
- Preserve paragraphs no longer breaks ATX-style headers when using Discount
- Restored text zoom
- syntax highlighting in exported HTML
- crash during background text analysis
- Crash when watching an entire folder
- Avoid placing edit marker inside of script tags
- Search result highlights don’t alter text formatting
- Display status messages in the window statusbar instead of popups
- Print/PDF styling and font sizes
- Contextual menu items for ignoring repeated words
- Preferences saveable while focus still in text field
- Keyword Highlighting detects Chinese and Japanese and doesn’t force starting word boundary when matching
- Margin styles no longer break custom CSS
- Removed sandboxing from non-MAS version
Version 2.4.9 (875)
- Bugfixes
- CriticMarkup export crash
- Improved paragraph counting
- CSS fixes, fix PDF text cutting on right
- Fixes for TOC in multi-column
Version 2.4.8 (873)
- Toggle auto-validate on load with a checkbox on the validation popup
- Scrivener crashes
- Issues with initial read from folder
Version 2.4.8 (871)
- iThoughtsX support!
- options to exclude elements from word count/readability stats
- block quotes
- indented code/poetry blocks (fenced code always ignored)
- footnotes/citations
- option to automatically validate all urls in document when updating
- only displays if there are errors
- Option to remove square brackets from MMD footnote markers
- Native OPML support
- Open OPML files directly in Marked 2
- Save Markdown documents to OPML
- Outline mode
- Display OPML outlines and lists (such as iThoughtsX exports) as APA or Decimal outlines
- Set file extensions to automatically enable Outline Mode on
- “Show only invalid links” preference is now persistent
- Better feedback while compiling Scrivener documents
- Fully clear URL cache on update so that remote resources will refresh
- Document progress bar is less jumpy during scroll on Yosemite
- Improved navigation of highlighted keywords using [,] and {,}
- ⌘E (Open in Editor) opens iThoughtsX when viewing an .itmz file
- Updated styling in error messages
- CriticMarkup improvements
- choose which version of the document to use in any export (markup, original, edited)
- Improved word counts and update speed when switching
- URL handler improvements
- open command accepts frame settings and x-success urls for callbacks
- improved handling of urls with only filenames
- Speed and memory improvements
- load time
- render time
- document statistics/readability processing
- Better file deletion notification handling
- updates changed images in place without refresh if it’s the only thing that’s changed
- improved background text statistic generation
- Crasher on file attribute change notification
- Table of Contents typeahead filtering
- Visual artifacts/crash on window close after export
- Memory leaks
- Sandboxing permissions improvements
- Collapsible headlines overreaching higher level headers
- Hiding the edit marker wasn’t doing that
- visual glitches and jankiness on sroll
- Unresponsive file watcher on some systems
- Fix word/readability stats display
- Fixes for back/fwd scroll navigation
- Fixes for doc progress positioning
- Fixes for link validation popup
- YAML->MMD converter
- notification throttling for file changes
Version 2.4.7 (867)
- Paddle registration issues
Version 2.4.7 (865)
- Yosemite fixes
- General bugfixes
- TOC tracks current scroll location
Version 2.4.6 (859)
- Bugfix for YAML header handling
- Bugfix for Scrivener reading
- Bugfix for Custom Processor arguments
- Fix Markdown export
- Fix split lines across PDF output pages
- Fix outline around PDF headers
Version 2.4.4 (850)
- Custom processor arguments
- Scrivener encoding issues
Version 2.4.1 (847)
- Allow print headers and footers to be specified per-document using MMD metadata
- Allow HTML comments (
<!-- -->
) around all metadata for compatibility with other processors - Render Leanpub “X>” blocks (error, info, exercise, etc.)
- Previews created with the URL handler (
) can now have a window and id passed to create a transient window that can be updated by successive calls - Streaming preview
- Markdown Export - export Markdown results after processing includes and running any preprocessor
- Fix for automatic (Sparkle) updates
- Fixes for image detection and permission requests (Scrivener and others)
- Multi-column theme print fix
- Don’t preserve newlines in GFM by default
- Fix trailing # in ATX headers when using Discount
- Help update
- GitHub CSS update
Version 2.3.4 (844)
- Fix for default style selector in preferences
Version 2.3.3 (843)
- Option to toggle whether page breaks can happen inside code blocks when printing
- Preferences reorganized
- Compatibility with future file formats
- Allow opening folders from “Open” dialogs
- Expanded URL handler
- Remove duplicate alternate words and fix whitespace
- Fix for paths in nested includes to be relative to included parent
- Fix for missing css and js when viewing html
- Fix opening multiple files when dragged to icon
Version 2.3.2 (841)
- Additional sandboxing fixes
- Fix for hiding edit point and TOC when headers out of order
- Right click menu additions
- Validate All Links popup behaves better
Version 2.3.1 (837)
- Permission request bugfixes
- Cmd-opt-s triggered detailed stats instead of readability
- initial Yosemite support
- MathJax fix for case-sensitive filesystems
Version 2.3 (834)
- Faster refresh
- Fix for reading most recent file in folder
- Fix for window title when file in folder changes
- Fix for initial file monitoring when opening in external editor
- Better handling of unreadable and renamed files
Version 2.3 (830)
This is a huge update. First and foremost, Marked 2 is now sandboxed. Your preferences will need to be updated after you upgrade.
The bundle ID has changed to com.brettterpstra.marked2
for those who might have been scripting based on the previous bundle ID.
Marked now has a URL handler that allows you to refresh all documents or a specific document, open files, preview url encoded text or automatically paste from the clipboard.
The Discount processor option now uses a fully GitHub Flavored Markdown compatible processor.
Don’t miss the new navigation features, including the Mini Map (type “0” when viewing a document longer than 3 window lengths) and better bookmarking (Hold Option and type a number to create a bookmark that will move with the document as it changes).
There are some major improvements and fixes as well. See below for a full list.
- Sandboxed
- Discount is now GFM Markdown
- URL Handler
- Mini Map navigation with magnifier and fast scrolling
- Bookmark based on proximity to nearest headline
- Preserve bookmarks across refreshes and style changes
- Basic back/fwd functionality for document navigation
- Add highlight navigation and highlighted word counts
- Document scroll progress bar
- “Fast Switcher” (type “f” for instant Table of Contents filtering and jumping)
- Add deselect-on-escape if no popups or modals are open.
- New popup and overlay styling
- Added %%(text) for running header on printing first page
- Count sentences in selection
- Accept json array in metadata for processor arguments
- PDF export stability
- Reduced font sizes when printing from some themes
- Help HUD styling
- MathJax reliability
- Allow multiple selections when adding custom CSS
- Shift-click “accordion” for collapsible headlines
- GitHub nested checkboxes and styling
- Vastly improved scroll-to-edit
- Print speed improved
- Strip MMD Headers improvements
- Theme tweaks and improvements
- New export icons
- Added double word highlight by default
- “Preserve newlines” breaking when line ended with dashes
- Handle indented YAML when removing or converting to MMD metadata
- Lines cutting between printed/PDF pages at bottom/top
- Crash when exporting PDF
- Replace bookmarks at duplicate positions, don’t show on multi-column
- Fix for losing custom preprocessor
- Fix bookmark display in grump, store offset from element for opt-bookmarks
- Fix for base href and Scrivener images
- Sanity checks for src=“” files after custom processors.
- Fix opening file urls
- Timeout for link validation
- Word count improvements
- Fixes for refresh and word count update
- Actually open Scrivener project based on preferences
- Allow comments and blank lines in concat files
- Better handling of file change duplicate messages
- Allow mathjax inject when using custom processor
Version 2.2 (824)
- Popups for file links with appropriate options
- Passive Voice detection in Keyword Highlight mode
- Expanded “Use Alternate” default proofing dictionary
- Collapsing of headers with Cmd-click in TOC was broken
- Hide “include chart” during print/PDF operations
- Footnote label inconsistency in HTML output
Version 2.2 (823)
- Quick fix for broken link hovers/click popups.
Version 2.2 (822)
- Opening a file:// url from within an open document will offer the option to open the file in the default application for that filetype
- Opening a link to a text file will offer to open it in a new window or replace the current window
- these selections can be made persistent
- 3 options for handling YAML headers (Ignore, strip, convert to MMD Metadata)
- Secondary fenced code block conversion before final processing
- If preprocessor scripts were doing their own substitution, fenced code blocks they created would be ignored.
- Updated Syntax Highlighting to highlight.js 8.0
- more languages, more aliases and better automatic language detection
- MathJax handling should be improved, please let me know if you still have syntax issues
- Override aggressive image caching to allow image updates when changes are detected
- Tooltips updated
- Base Header Level, Quotes Language and other metadata not being recognized
- Draw problem with Readability stats display
- Fix for collapsing headers
Version 2.2 (820)
MMD 4.5 with [%metadata] replacements
- If you have MMD metadata at the top of your document, you can reference any key you create with
(lowercased and without spaces) to have the value of the key inserted instead.
- If you have MMD metadata at the top of your document, you can reference any key you create with
Export with included style is no longer restricted by Strip MMD Metadata preference
Header labels generated with dashes (GitHub style)
This is an across-the-board change that hopefully won’t upset anybody. It will allow conformance with 99% of GitHub’s handling of headers (last 1% in the works).
If you are manually generating links based on Marked’s auto-generated headers, this may cause some issues you need to fix. I haven’t figured out a way to toggle this easily yet, but will attempt to do that in the near future.
Feature to highlight malformed/incomplete Markdown elements in the preview (⌘E / gear menu)
You can turn this to always-on-by-default in Window preferences, and still be able to toggle it per-document.
If there are no errors in the document, it does nothing, so it’s safe to let it run all the time.
Tweaks to “Validate External Links” popup appearance and behavior
Hide prefixes for empty items in exported TOC
Accept MMD metadata key “CSS” for overriding styles per-document
“Marked CSS” and “Marked Style” already do this, now you can just use “CSS: stylename.css”
Note that styles must be included in Marked —- either using the base styles or any custom styles —- in order to be recognized. You can simply add a style you want to use in the Style Preferences, and then reference it by its name or full filename (stylename works as well as stylename.css).
Close button for Find bar
- because normal people don’t always hit Escape.
- TOC popup missing if “Print Table of Contents” was disabled (introduced in build 819)
Version 2.2 (818)
- Fix for the part of the Table of Contents feature that I broke when I was fixing the other part of the Table of Contents feature.
- Exported TOC works with non-alphanumeric characters in headlines
Version 2.2 (817)
- More accurate place-holding when zooming in and out (“z”)
- Toggle headers and footers in PDF export on Save Dialog
- Added RTF export icon to drawer and included keyboard shortcut (⌘S)
- Exported table of contents removes empty items and conforms to print preference styling.
- Exported Table of Contents respects “maxX” TOC levels
Version 2.2 (816)
Fix for damaged download file
Version 2.2 (815)
- Fix for off-center Fountain rendering
- MathJax callback to delay scroll-to-edit until MathJax is fully rendered
Version 2.2 (814)
- Print header and footer improvements
- Use strftime tokens to format date/time headers and footers for print
- %path variable for headers/footers (full document path)
- Option to skip printing headers and footers on the first page
- Specify a font for print headers on a specific document with “Header Font:” MultiMarkdown metadata.
- Improved autoscroll (type “s”, adjust speed with shift left/right arrows)
- Improved “Scroll to Edit” now only moves the preview if the file was updated
- Word repetition visualization works in CriticMarkup’d documents
- Drawer backgrounds drawing incorrectly when switching drawer types
- Grump background when darkened in repeat word highlight mode
- Don’t allow Option-click repetition exclusion on other highlighted keywords
- BBEdit Markup Preview
- “First edit” issues related to footnotes
- Strip all code blocks from Word Repetition views
- Pluralization of word count in toolbar
- More improvements to CriticMarkup mode’s multiple word counts
- Fixed trapping Command-P in print dialog (Command-P,P trick works now. You’re welcome, Mr. Sparks.)
- Errors outputting paginated PDF’s of very large documents
Version 2.2 (812)
Fix for disconnected font menu item.
Version 2.2 (811)
A changelog history is now available in the Marked Help. It will be updated with each release.
- Allow custom font for Print/PDF headers and footers
- Print borders below headers and/or above footers (optional)
- Allow custom pre-processor when using Fountain
- New Style: Grump (Command-9)
- Option to hide success results when validating all links
- If “Headlines Collapse Sections” is enabled in Window preferences, holding the Command key while clicking an item in the Table of Contents will toggle the collapse for that section
- Clipboard Preview failed to open in editor after initial save
- Maintain CriticMarkup tab when refreshing
- Fix for <<[include] in the first line of a file
- If pre-processor returns empty output, skip it
- Return proper error message for missing included code file (
) - Allow “~” in included raw file paths (
) - Don’t allow multiple selections when adding Custom Styles
- Github task items with nested paragraphs and code blocks are now handled correctly
Version 2.2 (810)
- Restore background after printing or PDF save
- Table of Contents works with Unicode characters
- Fix for finding diff point when changing table column alignment
Version 2.2 (809)
- Don’t process fenced code blocks when “running” a custom processor
Version 2.2 (808)
Use any MMD Metadata header as a variable in print/PDF headers and footers:
Simply convert your metadata header name to lowercase and remove spaces, then use %md_variablename to include it in the header or footer field.
- Overzealous stripping of MMD metadata headers in preview
Version 2.2 (807)
- Customizable headers and footers for print/PDF
- variables include title, date, time, page number and page count
Yep, page numbers and more. In the Print preferences, define text headers for top left, top right, bottom left, and/or bottom right. Use static text and any of the variables (%title, %date, %time, %page, %total) to add important information when printing or saving to PDF.
will use any available MultiMarkdown Metadata “Title:” header, or fall back to the filename sans extension.
- CriticMarkup word counts are more accurate, faster to calculate
Version 2.2 (806)
- MultiMarkdown 4.4
- Clean up temporary watcher files when the window closes
- Memory management tweaks
- Fixed an issue where apps with Autosave would stop updating when launched with ⌘E from Marked
- Fixed an issue where renaming or moving a file would result in a File Type Fail
- Fixes for Keyword and Export drawer animation
- Video in Welcome popup plays now
- Fixed crash when canceling word repetition processing
- If ⌘E is used and no default external editor is selected, offer to let the user pick one.
- Keyword drawer design update.
- Smoother animation and scrolling for Zoom feature
NEW features
Create blank new files and optionally open them in external editor automatically
That’s right, ⌘N does something now. No, Marked is not planning to be an editor, but it now allows you to start a new document and open it in both Marked and your text editor from one place.
Added the ability to save a Clipboard (⌘⇧V) Preview
- Use the Save Clipboard Preview command in the File and Gear menus
- When pressing ⌘E (Edit in External Editor) on a Clipboard Preview, before opening the editor it will allow you to save it to disk.
- If you don’t manually save a clipboard preview, it’s considered transient and is cleaned up when the window closes. No annoying “Unsaved” warnings and no more UUID strings in the recent files menu.
“Quick Toggles” in App Menu for global preferences that you may want to switch on and off quickly. *Some of these may become per-document settings, but for now affect all open documents on refresh *
- CriticMarkup Preview toolbar now shows the correct word count for each tab
- Detailed Info palette now shows correct stats for the current tab
- I said it would be too hard to do, but I figured it out the same day the support request came in. Yay…
- ⌘{/⌘} navigation for CriticMarkup Tabs
Book formats and multi-file documents
I’ve been feeling that Marked’s book format and multi-document capabilities aren’t fully appreciated, so I took some time to improve on a few points. More to come, along with a screencast.
- Updates for Leanpub authors
- handle Book.txt files without older “frontmatter:” requirement
- Clean up {tokens}
X> block
support coming, as well as handling for code block format specifiers
- In documents using include syntax or in index files (Leanpub/mmd_merge):
- turn on Show Boundaries Of Included File in the gear menu (⌘B) to place a line on the left side of your preview showing where various included files start and end, including support for nested and repeated includes.
- Hovering over the bar will show you the name of the file it represents, and clicking will open that file in the default external editor.
- Press ⇧I within a preview to see which included file is currently visible in the viewport. Pressing Return after showing the filename will open it in your external editor.
- turn on Show Boundaries Of Included File in the gear menu (⌘B) to place a line on the left side of your preview showing where various included files start and end, including support for nested and repeated includes.
Version 2.1 (796)
- Fix a horrible UI bug in the keyword drawer when clicking a button
- Update highlight.js
Version 2.1 (793)
- Create a list of words to ignore when checking word repetition. Preferences → Proofing → Ignore Repeats
- Option-Click a word to temporarily ignore it
- Temporarily ignored words are collected in the lower right, click one to unignore it
- Option-Shift-Click a highlighted word to add it to the permanent ignore list in preferences and remove it from current view
- Redesigned keyword and export drawers
- Scrivener fixes
- Print code block background colors in GitHub style
Version 2.1 (791)
This is a maintenance release with small fixes for instability in some cases.
Version 2.1 (790)
Document Statistics
- Rewritten text analysis and statistics engine
- Greatly improved speed and reduced memory consumption
- Changed “letter” counter to “character” counter and include spaces and punctuation
- Allow CriticMarkup setting to be per-document (Control-Shift-C)
- Recover (Command-F) find bar in CriticMarkup mode
- Option to automatically detect CriticMarkup syntax and enable/disable processing
Search and highlight
- Allow word repetition (Control-Command-W) to work with non-Latin languages
- Added selector search (
*css selector
) with “contains” (*p "Alice"
searches for paragraph elements containing the word “Alice”) - Selector search with unrecognized selector interprets asterisk as a wildcard
- Fixes for wildcard (* and ?) in searches and keyword highlights
- Fix for non-latin search and keyword highlight
- Fix Scrivener document blank preview
- Styling for error messages and Scrivener inline annotations
General fixes
- Workaround for disappearing floated window after un-minimzing
- Fix for stripping MMD Metadata on export when preference is turned off
- Fix for reversed GitHub Checkbox preference
- Fix for “last edit” marker breaking MathJax rendering
- Add classes “gh-complete” and “gh-incomplete” to GitHub checkbox parent list items in preview to allow custom styling.
- Add HTML comments in source code to delimit inclusions and show included file paths
- Reworded “negative” preference options for consistency
- This will invert the checkbox on some options but will not change any existing preferences
- Preferences UI refinements
Version 2.1 (780)
- Scroll to correct point when an image is updated
- Add class to missing include file error messages so they can be hidden (.mkerrormsg)
- Add back $HOME environment variable for custom processors
- App Icon update
- Fully sign all frameworks for gatekeeper
Version 2.1 (777)
- Fix font rendering
- Fix custom processor metadata
- Fix CriticMarkup toolbar in export
- Fix crasher related to preference changes
- Fix window size freeze on load error
Version 2.1 (770)
- Highlight “words to avoid” only from start of word
- Fix for BBEdit Markup->Preview issue
- Fix for editing HTML comment at end of doc
- Fix for missing code blocks in HTML export
- Tooltips for Processor indicators in bottom bar
- Vastly improved word repetition feature with zoom overview
- No overlay
- zoom feature for overview
- progress bar during calculation
- document available during calculation (background processing)
- keyboard navigation, highlighting, statistics work during visualization
- Handle cyrillic and most UTF-16 characters in word repetition visualizer
- Revamped and redesigned text statistics generation
- background calculation, no blocking main window
- Live changes to detailed stats
- Pretty detailed stats panel
- Reading time
- GitHub checkbox rendering
- Scroll-to-edit at 50% of window height
Version 2.0 (760)
Sorry about the infinite update loop on the last version. That should go away with this release.
- Improved handling for multiple versions of MarsEdit
- Fixed crash when deleting large sections of the source document
- Fixed error on custom processor argument fields
- Fixed hang with custom processor on long documents
- NEW added indicator lights/toggles in the toolbar for custom pre/processors
If you have any issues, please first search the support site, and then start a ticket if needed. Be sure to include screenshots/pdfs of issues and any related documents I’ll need for testing (you can make the conversation private if needed).
Version 2.0 (758)
- fix for broken images in some cases
- fix for broken base url
- fix for .DS_Store errors when scanning folders
- fix for accented characters in highlight stringscv
- improved j/k nav in multi-column style
- fallback for validating urls that don’t accept cachebuster query strings
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